Coronavirus: How to be more resistant to it....

Four hundred variations Coronaviruses. As many as four hundred different species of Coronavirus are known. Six of them are infectious to humans. Human coronaviruses can be divided into mild pathogenic viruses and highly pathogenic viruses (* a Patogen is a pathogenic organism ). The mild forms cause symptoms such as a simple cold and are otherwise harmless. Two types...

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Regular exercise helps memory in dementia


Regular walking and doing strength exercises improves memory and thinking skills in elderly people with dementia. This is according to research from the University Medical Center in Groningen. Walking and strength exercises not only have a positive impact on physical fitness in elderly people with dementia. They also improve memory and sharper thinking skills....

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Poor sleep affects our DNA!

Poor sleep

Bad sleep A bad night's sleep not only disrupts our biological clock, it even changes the epigenetic structure of our DNA (* Epigenetics: the study that focuses on processes that help influence the expression of genes). In some cases, this change seems irreversible. Biological clock Our biological clock ensures that...

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Finnish child study: unhealthy diet worse for brain than malnutrition!

Results from a Finnish study do not lie: excessive consumption of saturated fats, red meat and sausage are harmful to children's cognitive (*memory) development. Poor fish consumption also has repercussions. The study involved 428 boys and girls between the ages of six and eight. The researchers looked at whether there...

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The importance of healthy and comprehensive nutrition

Today we eat mostly processed foods and variety is far from available. Why does our health react so badly to these changes and what can we do about it? During our evolution, we ate a huge variety of fruits, root and tuber crops, nuts, vegetables and other plant foods. This is how we lived for more than 100,000 generations, a...

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cardiovascular diseases

How much exercise is optimal to slow down aging of the cardiovascular system? In general, exercising two to three times a week by walking, running, cycling or playing sports keeps our blood vessels young. From four to five sessions also keeps the heart youthful, according to recent general research. This knowledge helps develop exercise programs that slow aging...

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