Strong gut barrier = Strong immunity.

Strong gut barrier = Strong immunity.

Two-thirds of the body's immune cells are located in the gut. Thus, good gut health is a prerequisite for efficient defense against viruses and bacteria. Good intestinal health stands or falls with an intact intestinal barrier. A good probiotic certainly helps with this. Research on mice has made this clear, when mice lack bacteria in the gut, they are extremely susceptible to disease and infection. Probiotics and Prebiotics restore the balance in the intestinal flora which helps immunity. Fiber-rich diet is obviously also a must to ensure efficient gut function.

Components from food also affect the intestinal barrier. Intestinal cells love Glutamine. L Glutamine is an amino acid that strengthens the intestinal barrier. Beta glucans from mushrooms and yeast, for example, excite immune cells. They react more alertly to viruses and pathogenic microbes, but as long as there is no threat, they remain on non-active alert. Therefore, they do not cause unnecessary inflammation, as food allergens do.

Food allergens: are ingredients to which intestinal immunity can react violently and destroy the intestinal barrier. Well-known allergens are wheat (Gluten) milk, peanuts, soy, etc.
Not everyone is affected, and not always it is a true allergy. However, most people do not realize that they do not tolerate certain ingredients well.

Many benefit from :

Probiotics 3 x dgs 1 caps ½ hour before meals.

Colonsupport ( Prebiotics ) 3 x dgs 1 caps ½ hour before meals.

L Glutamine. 2 x dgs 1 scoop in a little water between meals.

Intestinal Blend 3 x dgs 25 - 30 dr on a little water ½ hour before or after meals