Baby's Immune System

Omega 3 and Baby's Immune System.

Groundbreaking research is being conducted at the UMCG on the relationship of nutrition during pregnancy and the baby's brain development.

For the first time, a clear link has been established between prenatal nutrition and motor development at 18 months. "Children have better spontaneous motor skills after 1 1/2 years if they have high levels of fatty acids (Omega3) oil derived from fish in their blood at birth. They don't trip over toys they put down themselves and move more fluidly, less woodenly."

This study measured the amount and type of fatty acids in umbilical cord blood immediately after birth. Trans fatty acids as found in snacks and French fries have a negative effect on development. The omega-3 fatty acids from fish, especially DHA, have a positive effect on brain development.
Other research shows that an additional intake of 100 mg of DHA increases IQ by 0.13 points. This is equivalent to 1 to 2 servings of oily fish per week.

Our immunity is a very complex system that is far from mature at birth. And certainly not in premature babies.
Then only the "innate immune system" is already active, the "acquired immune system" develops during the first years of life. It "learns" to make antibodies and generate immune cells that recognize specific viruses and bacteria, and thus can respond immediately in case of reinfection. It then responds much more effectively, calmly and cheaply than the innate immune system.

But this is only possible in the right circumstances: vaginal birth (bring along microflora from the mother, not hospital flora!), lots of skin contact and breastfeeding. And very important: sufficient omega 3 fatty acids, which the baby must get from the mother. If not, the child risks a lower and unbalanced immunity for the rest of its life.

It is very important for the mother to consume sufficient Omega 3 fatty acids during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition to the Omega 3 fatty acids, Probiotics are essential.

krill oil

3 x dgs 1 caps during meals. Our Krill oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA)

Omega 3

Fatty acids 3 x dgs 1 caps during meals. Our Omega 3 is rich in ( EPA and DHA) fatty acids.


Take 3 x dgs 1 caps between meals.