
sunburned skin

What to do in case of sunburn

Cover burned skin with a light towel or loose clothing.
Sit in the shade, preferably indoors.
Cool the skin with wet cloths or a gentle shower; avoid hypothermia.
Gently pat the skin dry.

How long does sunburned skin take to recover?

It takes 4 days until the redness goes away and then the skin will peel completely. It may take a week for the burned skin to go away. A 4th degree sunburn can cause you to develop blisters on the skin in addition to the symptoms of grade 3. This may also be accompanied by feeling sick and/or fever .In case of these symptoms, consult your doctor.

Is shedding bad for you?

So shedding is very normal and happens slowly, but always. If you are shedding faster, it means that the outer layer of your skin has been damaged by the sun, for example. Your skin then makes new skin cells faster than normal to replace the damaged cells.

Can you play sports with burned skin?

Today, it is still difficult to give general advice about resuming a sport because it will depend on where you were burned and the degree of burn as well as your healing. Until the skin has fully healed, your physical abilities may be somewhat inhibited.

Can you get sick when burned?

Sick from sunburn agv: If you have burned a large part of your body, you can get really sick from it. Fever and chills, nausea and vomiting, palpitations and headaches may result. With these symptoms, it is best to contact your doctor.

You can't say: after so many burns, you get skin cancer. But every burn is one." The greatest risk of melanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer, is sunburn. Especially in young children, burning is the most harmful.


A lot of people benefit during sunburn with:

Obvious cream

for adults, children and babies.

Apply the cream several times a day to relieve the redness and burning sensation very quickly. Keep applying it for several days to prevent the skin from peeling and it will recover quickly.

Obvious Cream : Disinfects, cools, soothes, relieves pain, combats swelling.
You can apply it several times a day to adults and children (10 years and older).

For adults who are less tolerant of essential oils, children under the age of 10 and babies, we recommend the Obvious Cream Kids.