Zinc Methionine against flu

Zinc Methionine

The important effects of Vitamin C and Zinc Methionine 15mg.

Winter is the time of year when a lot of people suffer from colds, laryngitis and all kinds of flu. Studies by the Linus Pauling Institute show that 95% of the adult population does not take advantage of the preventive and healing power of high doses of vitamin C.

People who take 1,000 to 6,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day, depending on the strength of their immunity, not only protect themselves from typical winter ailments, but also prevent flu attacks.

Unfortunately, very few people consume enough vitamin C to really enjoy its protective effects. It is still assumed that 75 to 90 milligrams of ascorbic acid, recommended by the Ministry of Health, is sufficient for an optimal daily dose.

Reality shows that this amount is just enough to prevent scurvy, but certainly does not guarantee getting through fall and winter in optimal health.

Nobel laureate Doctor Linus Pauling was the first to describe and publicize the importance of high doses of vitamin C thirty years ago. During the past quarter century, thousands of scientists collected a mass of evidence showing that vitamin C, adequate rest and proper hygiene are the best weapons against flu. In addition, there are plenty of resistance-boosting products to prevent (winter) discomfort.

Zinc Metionine is required for hundreds of reactions and enzymes in the body.

Many benefit from :

Vitamin C Buffered 3 x dgs 1-2 caps during meals.

Zinc Methionine 15mg 1 x dgs 1-2 tbal before sleeping