
What is bronchitis and what is pneumonia.

In bronchitis, the mucous membranes of the small branches in the lungs are inflamed. This causes you to cough and suffer from phlegm. Bronchitis occurs because you inhale a virus or bacteria to which you are allergic. The causative agent passes to the lungs and causes inflammation of the alveoli.
With bronchitis, you mainly suffer from coughing. The coughing also involves mucus. You may also suffer from shortness of breath, a pressing sensation in the chest, wheezing, sometimes fever and fatigue.Common symptoms:

  • Coughing with phlegm.
  • Tightness.
  • Being tired more quickly.
  • A higher or just lower body temperature.
  • Muscle pain or pain at your lungs.
  • Shivers.
  • Reduced appetite.

You can recognize pneumonia mainly by the pain of lungs with breathing and high fever.
In such a case, always consult your doctor. Pneumonia can be life threatening.


A lot of people benefit:

Sinu Blend

3-4 x dgs 30 dr on a little water at least half an hour before or after eating. This remedy protects against viruses by sloughing off the virus spikes.

Broncho Blend

3-4 x dgs 30 dr on a little water at least half an hour before or after eating. This remedy dissolves the mucus whereby it is better coughed up.

Echinacea Blend

3-4 x dgs 30 dr on a little water at least half an hour before or after eating. This remedy increases resistance and protects against inflammation.

Potentilla Blend

3 x dgs 30 dr in a little water at least half an hour before or after a meal. This remedy relaxes the thorax allowing more oxygen to enter during tightness.