
Echinacea Extra (extra forte).

19.67 - 29.95 VAT inclusive


Increases resistance and well-being in general. It is also caring for lip blisters, airborne pollen and generally supportive of the immune system.

This product is completely sold out while supplies last!


Article number: F47 - F48 Category:


Echinacea Extra (extra forte) from Health by Nature is a high-quality unique herbal formula. It increases resistance extra and also promotes well-being based on Echinacea Purpurea herba (Red Sunflower herb) with different composition than our Echinacea Blend. Red Sunflower herb is naturally rich in Polysaccharides, Glycoprotoin and Alkylamides among which are Echinacein, Essential Oil, Flavonoids and Quercetin. We recommend this composition for:

  • Support of the immune system
  • Immune system - immune support
  • Activates the immune system
  • Soothing effect on the throat
  • Gives pollen less chance
  • Healthy airways during fall and winter
  • For healthy airways
  • Soothing effect on the throat
  • Care of lip blisters
  • Beneficial soothing for the throat
  • Increases resistance in the bladder
  • Improves condition of gums

Echinacea purpurea herba (Red sunflower herb), Echinacea purpurea radix (Red sunflower root), Echinacea angustifolia radix (Yellow sunflower root), Echinacea pallida planta tota (Hedgehog sunflower total) and Sambuccus nigra fructus (Black elderberry)

Dosering en gebruik:
Tenzij anders geadviseerd:
Volwassenen: 3 maal daags per dag 20 druppels voor een maaltijd onverdund innemen
Kinderen <12 jaar: 3 maal daags per dag 10 druppels in een glas water innemen


Additional information


Bones / Joints / Muscles / Skeleton, Skin / Hair / Nails, Airways / To breathe more freely, Airways: Airborne pollen, Lymphatic system / Immune system, Stomach / Intestines / Digestive system, Kidneys / Urinary tract, Prostate, Resistance supporting


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Contents Phytotherapy

100ml, 50ml