itching during and or after pregnancy

Itching during and after pregnancy

Itching during childbirth is very annoying, not only during the day but also during the night which also disrupts sleep.

What causes itching during and after childbirth.

During and after childbirth, all kinds of hormonal changes occur in the body. Your liver may not function as well due to all the hormonal changes because of this more bile salts enter the bloodstream and this can cause itching in various places. About 20% of women experience some form of pregnancy itch during or after childbirth. The itching can take the form of red, irregular spots on the abdomen, sometimes lying on the skin like raised islands. The itching and rash can spread to the thighs, buttocks, arms, palms and or soles of the feet. Sometimes it is just itching without a rash.

Tips against itching pregnancy:

  • Wear cotton clothing
  • Take alternating baths where you end with cold water.
  • Place cold water compresses on the skin.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day to better eliminate waste products
  • Do not drink coffee, black tea ( well herbal tea ) ( chamomile tea ) alcohol, cocoa, sugar and do not smoke.

Many benefit.

Intestinal Blend 3 x daily 20 - 25 drops on a little water at least half an hour before or after eating. For improved liver function and the elimination of Bile salts.

Solidago Blend 3 x daily 20 - 25 drops on a little water at least half an hour before or after eating. For improved kidney function and elimination of waste products.


Obvious cream for adults. This quiets the itching and irritation of rashes and possibly eczema. This cream can be used for a variety of skin conditions.

For Baby bottoms, skin irritation, eczema, Obvious cream for Kids. This cream is also free of chemicals, so pure Nature.