Flu - cold and Covid-19 symptoms

Flu - Colds and Covid-19 symptoms and differences.

Flu or influenza, cold and the Coronavirus ( Covid-19 ) are all three viral diseases caused by different viruses.
You get flu from influenza virus, cold from cold virus and Covid-19 from Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
The symptoms associated with it can be very similar, to those of flu, cold symptoms, coughing, tightness in the chest, fever, muscle aches and pains

Many people confuse common cold with flu. Flu is usually a more serious illness than the common cold. The symptoms of a common cold generally disappear more quickly, and complications such as pneumonia are rare. Flu is accompanied by high fever, muscle pain, cough and sometimes pneumonia.

A flu virus thrives better in low temperatures and dry air. In addition, it spreads more easily during the winter season because people are more likely to be together in smaller rooms. The virus spreads through very small droplets in the air during coughing and sneezing. The virus is also spread through the hands, which come into contact with those droplets.

Prevention is better than cure.

All viruses have spikes ( including Covid-19 ) through which the virus enters the cell and infects the host. How to prevent this.

Many people say they benefit from:

Sinu Blend 3 x dgs 30 drops on a little water at least half an hour away from meals. This remedy sharpens the spike of the virus, reducing infection to a minimum.

Eureka Blend 3 x dgs 30 drops on a little water at least half an hour away from meals. This remedy protects the lungs from a cytokine storm in the lungs, heart and blood vessels.

High dose Vit C. preventive as during flu and Covid-19 3 x 1-2 capules during meals.

Vega K2-D3 caps 1-2 caps per day during meals. Increases resistance. Medical research has shown that all people are deficient in this.

Zinc Methionine 15mg 1 tabl before bedtime. Increases resistance, again research has shown that all people are deficient in Zinc Methionine

Broncho Blend 3 x dgs 30 dr on a little water at least half an hour away from meals. For cough-firm cough-tickling cough and Bronchitis.

Sinu Blend 3 x dgs 30 drops on a little water at least half an hour away from meals. This remedy sharpens the spike of the virus, reducing infection to a minimum.

Eureka Blend 3 x dgs 30 drops on a little water at least half an hour away from meals. This remedy protects the lungs from a cytokine storm in the lungs, heart and blood vessels.

High dose Vit C. preventive as during flu and Covid-19 3 x 1-2 capules during meals.

Vega K2-D3 caps 1-2 caps per day during meals. Increases resistance. Medical research has shown that all people are deficient in this.

Zinc Methionine 15mg 1 tabl before bedtime. Increases resistance, again research has shown that all people are deficient in Zinc Methionine

Broncho Blend 3 x dgs 30 dr on a little water at least half an hour away from meals. For cough-firm cough-tickling cough and Bronchitis.