
Irritated skin 

What are the symptoms of irritated skin?

There are all kinds of forms of skin irritations or rashes but symptoms that fit irritated skin include:
Itchy skin, pain or irritation on skin, redness of skin, red itchy bumps, dry skin, scaly skin, tendency to scratch, damage to skin from scratching, pimples on skin.

What does irritated skin look like?

Irritated skin often turns red. Traces of scratching may be visible. And bumps may also be visible.

What is often the cause of red irritated skin?

Skin is sensitive to changes, both from within and without. The causes of skin irritation coming from within include:
Hormone fluctuations or changes, digestive problems, emotions such as tension or worry.
Causes of skin irritation that come from the outside include:
Weather influences, air conditioning, central heating, soap use, washing powder, allergy.

How can you prevent red irritated skin? Tips!

Drink plenty. Drinking plenty is necessary for the removal of waste products. Eat healthy. As with so many things, eating healthy and balanced is also important for the health of your skin. Stimulate blood flow to the skin. The skin receives its nutrients from within, namely from the blood. Stimulating the circulation of your skin can be done, for example, by getting moving or by showering with alternating hot and cold water. A massage can also contribute to good blood flow to the skin.
Cleanse the skin sufficiently. That doesn't mean that you have to go heavy with soap. Soap not only removes dirt, but also affects the protective layer on the skin. This causes the skin to dry out faster. Washing yourself with just water or a gentle soap-free product is healthier for the skin. Especially for children, a soap-free product is nice and gentle on the skin.

How can you prevent scratching ?

Scratching usually destroys more than it helps. Red irritated skin only gets redder and can be damaged when you scratch. The itching makes you want to scratch. Try to teach children that scratching is not good. Tap or pat your skin gently instead of scratching. This often also helps a little with the itching and does not harm your skin.

A lot of people say they benefit from:

Obvious cream This cream is used externally only on adults, children and baby skins and baby bottoms in case of diaper rash.
Obvious cream contains only natural products and is free of colorants, animal ingredients and preservatives.


Obvious Cream : Disinfects, cools, soothes, relieves pain, combats swelling.
You can apply it several times a day to adults and children (10 years and older).

For adults who are less tolerant of essential oils, children under the age of 10 and babies, we recommend the Obvious Cream Kids.