To take or not to take essential oils?

Some companies claim that you can always take all essential oils
can take without any danger. This proves a lack of
knowledge of Essential oils. It is often claimed that you can take Essential
oils can be ingested with water. Unfortunately, this can lead to allergic
reactions and irritation of the mucous membranes.

Some companies claim that the Essential Oils they offer are
are the purest and those from other companies are not. Therefore, their
Essential oils may be taken pure and also used pure on the skin
used on the skin. This is pure sales talk and is bad anti
marketing for aromatherapy

Although we do not have a monopoly on wisdom, over the
42 years of practical experience much knowledge and experience has been built up about
aromatherapy and essential oils. Hereby we have a clear and
clear advice on intake and use of essential oils on the skin.